Let's Talk
Annemarie Pucher, CEO, ISIS Papyrus Software

Annemarie Pucher

Chief Executive Officer
Papyrus Software

Annemarie Pucher, CEO, ISIS Papyrus Software

I love sharing the latest and most exciting information about technology, product and corporate news with our many customers and prospects all over the world. Read my recent e-mails below and subscribe to receive my personal e-mail updates:

Democratizing Accessibility

With over 1.3 billion people, or 16% of the global population experiencing disabilities (Source: World Health Organization) and 773 million adults facing illiteracy (Source Unesco), it is evident that there is a pressing need for change. The digital divide poses a significant challenge for businesses seeking to reach their entire customer base. Traditional PDF accessibility solutions often require technical expertise, hindering widespread adoption.

Cloud Success Story

In today's digital landscape, embracing the cloud is no longer optional. It's the key to unlocking agility, scalability, and unmatched performance. Papyrus is proud to be at the forefront of this revolution, empowering businesses to thrive in the cloud with a future-proof cloud-based platform for corporate customer communication management (CCM).

Introducing Intelligent Forms for Your Business

Turning conversations into business transactions with low effort and high quality is crucial to successful business. That’s where intelligent forms come in! Imagine business forms that understand your clients’ and employees’ needs, guide them effortlessly, and don’t frustrate them. Process-driven collaboration is typically linked to fillable business forms and interactive business documents. The creation of intelligent forms with automated and ad-hoc tasks and activities that users need to perform to achieve a common goal are handled by our software.

Unlocking Operational Excellence Strategies, Principles and Tools

As CEO of Papyrus Software, I strive to open up new ways of delivering business results through operational excellence, unlocking sustainable growth. Operational excellence seeks to increase the bottom line through optimized processes, increased quality and efficiency, and reduced costs. Successfully implementing operational experience requires the right tools focused on optimizing business processes, the commitment of leadership and an engaged workforce.

Intelligent Document Processing Success

Excellent news! The global study Intelligent Document Processing Software (IDP) 2023-2024 Market Scape by International Data Corporation (IDC) named Papyrus Software a Major Player. This result was endorsed by Papyrus customers and validated by the high software rating for the overall capabilities the Papyrus Intelligent Document Processing brings to the table.

Announcement - Commerzbank and Comdirect selected Papyrus

Papyrus Software announced on Nov 29, 2023 that the Commerzbank and comdirect brands have selected Papyrus as their next generation Customer Communication and Document Management platform. As one of the largest banks in Germany, with €510 billion in assets and 42,000 employees worldwide, the Commerzbank and comdirect brands have ...

DocuFlow 2023 Award Winner

It gives me great pleasure to share with you that Papyrus DocuFlow has been awarded the ‘Application of the Year 2023 Award’ by Xplor International. This honorable mention from the Xplor award committee is founded on DocuFlow’s innovative approach of empowering organizations to swiftly transition their paper and PDF forms to web forms.

Innovation Business Process Management

We are at a crossroads of technology in the evolution of business process management. Let me explain: Not everyone is aware that the majority of process executions require leaving the documented 'happy path' of a process for completion. Performers should not need to leave the process environment to perform unexpected work or simply to communicate.

Solutions, Concepts & Strategies for IT Modernization

You are considering migrating and consolidating disparate legacy document systems to eliminate inefficiencies and reduce the effort in managing templates for multiple channels. Or you want to learn more about technologies such as Blockchain for e-signing and verifying digital assets, and how to efficiently automate your business processes and incoming mail?

Turning Conversations Into Business Transactions

Sending requests per email with attachments is a type of asynchronous collaboration that we are most familiar with. Attachments can be many and include filled PDF forms, documents and signatures. However, this form of communication is highly manual and poses a major challenge for organizations.

Profitable Investment. Not just spending.

When our company was founded in 1988, we saw it as our responsibility to ensure that software was a profitable investment for our customers, and not just an expense. Documents are at the heart of our customers' business; if our customers cannot deliver an invoice or a contract, there is no business!

Technology of the Year Award

This year's Technology of the Year Honorable Mention that awards original concepts and developments leading to a significant advancement in the Customer Communication Management industry, goes to Papyrus Software for its innovative Papyrus Business Designer software.

Blockchain - The much broader Range of Use

Since my last letter to you about Blockchain - the better way to e-sign, enquiries about this technology and the Papyrus Blockchain ecosystem have skyrocketed. Most often I was asked why should a company use Blockchain to sign and verify digital assets when electronic signature solutions already exist?

Blockchain - The Better Way to E-Sign

When it comes to digital documents and electronic signatures, it is blockchain technology that eliminates concerns about manipulated or even forged electronic documents. Blockchain is known to make the e-signing process very secure and stable avoiding costly external e-sign services.

Deploy the 'adapt to win' strategy

How does a company continue to innovate? In recent years, companies have had to quickly adapt in order to win. Digitalization has been a focus, self-service has become much more dominant and ad-hoc changes that were perhaps patched on the front-end side need to be replaced with better solutions.

Fit-for-Future Document Migration Strategies

How can you consolidate disparate existing document systems which have grown over years, leading to redundancies, inefficiencies, and multiple efforts to maintain document templates for different output channels? A question I get asked very often.

Orchestration through powerful integration

Often, and usually out of expediency, companies tend to implement multiple communication platforms within core applications without understanding that they need to be either consolidated or interconnected. This is where the use of a middleware platform that enables multiple ways of communication between two or more applications on a distributed network can greatly help.

Food for thought - Why a document strategy?

Organizations have been investing in business document design solutions for decades. In fact, many organizations have invested in more than one document design and formatting system. But this is a double-edged sword. These disparate technologies may be addressing specific features, but they also hinder organizations achieving a seamless, connected customer experience and rarely meet the much needed efficiency, productivity and effectiveness.

Content is Pervasive

Are you sometimes missing that one piece of information related to your task that would make it easy? Are your employees hunting for data and switching from app to app to accomplish their work? If so, read on – this message is for you. Knowledge, content and document management play crucial roles in core business processes.

Unleash Your Creativity

Creativity is a great way to solve problems, innovate new solutions and bring purpose to work. We have access to tools and a real opportunity to contribute and create change. Creativity always works better than anything else we could try. This is a call to make a difference – difference in terms of the product and service quality, in terms of speed of innovation, as well as in terms of the customer and employee experience.

Papyrus Business Designer in Action

You no longer need to be a programmer to deliver Business Value Streams, but use a graphical user interface instead of writing code. This takes the pressure off the IT department, as even non-technical users without programming skills can contribute.Technology enables and facilitates creation, it is not a barrier to entry.

Get strategic with orchestration decisions

In the wake of rapid digitization, some companies often implement quick-win point solutions in their ecosystem that end up being complex puzzles. The challenge of getting everyone to work together effectively skyrockets. What sets you apart as a tech leader today from traditional companies is the act of business orchestration, the delivery of a positive business experience that results from the customer experience and the employee experience.

Livestream Recordings Open House 2021

It is with great pleasure we announce that all presentations, demonstrations, customer case studies and hands-on workshops from our Open House Global 2021 virtual event are available as livestream recordings. Please use your login credentials you received when you attended the live event. If you missed the live conference, please register on our website for onboarding and credentials.speakers and trainers. We thank you!

Your invitation to the Open House 2021

The virtual Papyrus Open House Strategy and User Conference on May 17 and 18, 2021, will serve as a platform for leadership and professionals to learn about the latest developments and experience hands-on solutions. As digital transformation continues, personalized customer communications and the processing capabilities - whether digital or physical, automated or interactive, on-premise or in the cloud - are evolving in terms of documents and workflows to efficiently and securely process omni-channel communications at scale.

Mastering document design across applications and channels

Whether you’re designing personalized business documents for high volume or real time interactive generation, or migrating and adopting existing documents for digital and physical delivery, powerful and non-technical designer tools for document creators are a key to time to market.

Streamline contract creation and closing process

Papyrus CLM helps you digitize and accelerate contract creation, supports collaboration and negotiation processes, automates workflow templates and enables your content-centric departments to quickly create contracts using a clause library of pre-approved terms and clauses.

Building Better Digital Business Solutions: Your 3 Essential Mindsets

Digital transformation requires us to look at how we work today and asks the question, how we might work tomorrow? Are you making the most of your digital business applications and communication channels? Forrester Consulting conducted a survey of 216 decision-makers responsible for business process automation/optimization and digitization in global organizations across Europe and the USA.

New Year Brings New Opp

2020 was a challRAWing year however we continue to have much to celebrate. With digital transformation taking hold of the industry, customer RAWagement solutions - whether from request to closure, processing a loan, a claim or an order - are evolving at an even quicker rate.

Move Your Business Correspondence to the Web

You can bring your letter applications closer to the business and to the Web! Business document design tools enable organizations to meet their objectives in a timely and cost-effective manner without relying on technical knowhow in IT.

Tackle Limitations with Legacy Technologies

Effortless integration is possible through configurable adapter technology avoiding the limitations of commonly used APIs. Adapters are platform- and compiler-independent connectors with no coding required.

Excellence in Output Management Across All Channels

A new enterprise-wide focus on improving customer experience has pushed organizations to move from a single channel to multi-channel to omni-channel Communications, responding to customer preferences across physical and digital touchpoints.

From Request to Closure

Digital application routes are essential to new customer business. Whether a loan, credit, policy, business account or leasing contract - customers benefit from fast, seamless processes without media breaks or manual processes, completely without paper.

Open House On-Demand

It's an exciting time at Papyrus Software! With great pleasure and excitement, I announce the availability of all 2020 Open House presentations on-demand in English and German for you on our website. By now you've maybe heard about the huge success of our first two-day global virtual event.

Voice of Customers

The new report on Customer Communication Management (CCM) was published a few days ago showing Papyrus Software in a super positive and differentiated light in the industry. As one of the three vendors in the world, Papyrus achieved customer choice for the highest overall ratings.

Our RAWagement for You

Everything we do here at Papyrus Software is focused on helping our customers perform at their highest level without changes or interruptions during these challRAWing times. Our customer support received many positive responses about our Business Continuity Management initiative to continue providing high-quality service.

Enterprise Mobility - The New Way of Working Mobile

In times like these, unlocking the potential of your company's Mobile Moments of RAWagement becomes immediately obvious as traditional channels and operations are impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.

Think in Value Streams to improve efficiency, customer experience

Thinking in terms of Value Streams improves customer experience, allowing organizations to visualize the end-to-end work, see evidence of actual performance and identify opportunities for process improvement.

A Central Hub for all Business Communications

A digital communication platform brings maximum value when used as a central hub. Spanning across physical and digital it drives customer experience with support for high-volume output, interactive communication and real-time digital messages with feedback loop.

Customer Contact Center – here every interaction counts

The value we can bring to your Contact Center is a single cockpit containing the customer contact history and access to customer data, documents and communication channels in a single user interface.

The push toward RPA and consolidating a scattered landscape

At the recent Gartner Symposium, attendees wanted to know how Papyrus Software is different (better) than other solutions providing automation in digital transformation (RPA/AI) and collaboration beyond a disconnected landscape of communication channels.

Ready for a modern CRM-landscape?

A scattered landscape of too many communication tools, fragmented ownership and too many document templates with high complexity are often key barriers to enable successful customer RAWagement. The digital transformation roadmap must span across print and digital, offering customer interactions by chat, SMS, mobile, social and links in emails.

Collaborative Content Services - A better way to work

The challRAWe for many organizations is that their legacy ECM systems were implemented with a focus on documents. In an Omni-channel world, many digital communication channels and their business processes generate content and information to be managed and made available to the CRM, ERP and HR departments and their users.

Multi-channel automatic payment collection process prevents shortage on cash flow

The realization of E-invoicing/E-billing and a streamlined collection process is key to good cash flow for any organization. Your billing and collection cycles can accelerate by having business teams to create, approve and deliver a personalized, modern omni-channel bill design with targeted messages from one easy-to-use, end-to-end integrated digital platform.

Efficient and cost-effective workflow for mission critical documents

The personalized business document is a key to successful customer RAWagement. Papyrus Business Designer allows users to handle change requests directly in a fast and managed way, significantly increasing efficiency and reducing timelines for production processes.

Making Technology Work

Digital business transformation is a key initiative for many organizations. Agility, a well-defined plan and a powerful digital software platform supporting RPA and AI make it possible to create a new business model that offers omni-channel RAWagement, enhanced customer experience and streamlined operations.

Salesforce Order Processing Boosted by Papyrus

Integrating Papyrus CCM capabilities with the order and sales processing in Salesforce results in significantly lower manual labor and reduced human error. Dexcom, a US Healthcare manufacturer with an international presence in Germany, deployed the Papyrus intelligent multi-channel Inbound Mail Capture technology successfully in both locations, enhancing customer experience and saving on manual labor cost.

Successful collaboration of Business and IT

One of the largest financial players in the world is achieving significant results by putting Business First with the Papyrus CCM solution. Business users can create and maintain a huge amount of document templates in a flexible manner, with consistency in design and compliance of content.

Let Business take ownership of mission critical documents

Business documents are mission critical and sit at the heart of your applications. Much too often IT is RAWaged in time-intensive document services that are considered a technical job. Such service can take too long, be too expensive and are inflexible. Often IT does not have the resources, and the work must be outsourced.

Blockchain enabled Papyrus enterprise content management services

In a recent report on Content Services Platforms by Forrester Research, Papyrus was referenced as a collaborative and transactional content services platform. Our digital ECM platform represents the next stage of evolution, with a focus on modularity and simplified integration, and is delivered as one source, and not assembled via acquired technologies.

Case Study recording of AIIM virtual event

In case you missed the recent AIIM virtual event, where I presented a Case Study on how machine assisted email/document capture drives productivity at a leading US Healthcare company, you can find the link to the slide set and recording below.

A Dream Becomes Reality

It is with great pleasure that I share with you a short video of our 30-year Company Anniversary celebration, the grand opening of our new Papyrus Software Park and the adjoining Open House Conference with our customers and prospects. It was a unique and fantastic event, a wonderful experience and a great success for our company.

Machine assisted E-mail and Document Capture

After thorough market research, California-based healthcare technology organization Dexcom deployed the Papyrus Intelligent Capture technology that effectively trains machines to recognize documents and messages, reducing processing time from four days to four hours.

A Message from the CEO

In preparation of our Open House World Conference, the 30-year company anniversary celebrations and the opening of our new Papyrus Competence Center in Austria, I would like to share the themes and hot topics with you. I promise You will hear exciting presentations, see break-through showcases and discuss with your peers new approaches and disruptive solutions impacting the business in the digital enterprise.

ISIS Papyrus Celebrates its 30th Anniversary and YOU are invited!

What began in 1988 in the basement of our private home in Austria has grown into a fantastic global organization of experienced professionals, utilizing stable standard software and innovative Framework Solutions created in our four software development centers and three global competence centers. It’s been an amazing journey so far.

Papyrus Ticketing, the way to Customer RAWagement excellence

Most customer service solutions can’t keep up with today’s customer RAWagement requirements. Customers want to experience a fast and right response the first time using their preferred communication channel.

Dow Jones selects Papyrus

Business First was an important goal Dow Jones set for their new global business communication solution. The new system will allow for business creativity and flexibility in product offerings, plus pricing and placement of promotional content across lines of business.

Webinar: Seamless across physical & digital

Business documents are a critical step in connecting your traditional and digital business channels. It sounds so simple, yet it’s hard in practice to be effective when delivering these documents and messages to your customer-preferred channel in an Omni-channel world.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - A New Buzzword?

"Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure computer software or a 'robot' to capture and interpret existing applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses and communicating with other digital systems."

Papyrus Earns Highest Ratings for Digital Transformation Excellence

WellCare Health Plans, Inc. in Tampa/FL and ISIS Papyrus Software proudly announce winning the renowned 2017 WfMC Global Awards for Case Management. The Papyrus ACM-based Collaboration Platform for Campaign Management Earns Highest Ratings for Digital Transformation Excellence, Agility and High Value Creation...

Single Source for AFP, PDF and HTML

Creating and managing business documents for physical and digital can be an expensive nightmare. The Papyrus single source document administration is here to help! Document layouts and building blocks are created one time by business teams and reused across templates for email/HTML, Mobile, Web, PDF and AFP print; achieving efficiency, corporate design, precision and quality. How cool is that!

Omni Channel Strategy

A recent survey by Ovum concluded that 74% of customers use three or more channels when contacting companies. This demands a new business model for moving beyond disconnected, multichannel communications - offering Omni Channel RAWagement with real time back office integration for enhanced customer experience and streamlined operations.

Machine Learning

Training machines to recognize documents and messages and to continuously optimize data capture is a remarkable technology to increase efficiency. But what really improves business capability is a process solution that also learns over time what your experts actually do in a case when a certain document arrives or a particular state is recognized - or when an exception is encountered.

2017 Open House Invitation

In preparation for our upcoming Papyrus World Conference, I like to share the themes and hot topics with you. I promise you will hear exciting presentations, see breakthrough showcases and discuss with your peers new approaches and disruptive solutions impacting your business in the digital enterprise.

Mobile Capture Product of the Year

Recently, Papyrus Capture/Mobile was awarded "Mobile Capture Product of the Year" by Document Manager in the UK! The Papyrus software solution enables flexible, accurate data entry and real-time processing from customer, remote staff or field service devices - all working together for a seamless and interactive omni channel customer experience:

Papyrus customer wins global BPM award for contingent workforce mgmt system

60 BPM award submissions – 27 judges – 15 distinct evaluation criteria for innovation, implementation and impact set by WfMC. Judge commenting on the comprehensive nature of the Papyrus ACM platform: “This is a complete case management system that involves a comprehensive mobile app, significant data integration and multiple sources - it is a very big and advanced end-to-end system with substantial documented benefits and significant improvements over the old paper, manual, single-threaded solutions.”

Award on contract goes to Papyrus

Digitizing and extracting data from all inbound channels - in structured and unstructured formats - and integrating with process and case management is a key strength of Papyrus Capture. In a public tender by the Swiss authorities, Papyrus achieved the highest points in all categories and, as the most balanced product, was awarded a major contract of over 1.7 Mill Swiss Francs.

Pole position at ACORD for Papyrus OMNI channel insurance platform

Last week at the ACORD Insurance Innovation ChallRAWe (AIIC) competition in London, the Papyrus OMNI Channel capabilities with online channel applications for Web and Mobile impressed the judges. They commented that our platform truly delivers added value and empowering the business makes Papyrus stand out of the crowd....For the second year in a row, Papyrus Software has been selected as an AIIC finalist!

Transforming your Online Channel

Doing business online is a critical element of your organization’s existence – it connects you more quickly and conveniently to customers, prospects and partners. Digital business transformation now demands that we ensure operational support for this external activity, increasing emphasis on how we deliver on the promise of digital business via the online channel.