Get a quick overview of the Papyrus version 7.7 goodies!

Papyrus Software has just released the new Papyrus release V7.7. I’m going to give you a short introduction to the most important features and extensions. Focus is once more on business user solutions to empower business clerks and business administrators in gaining full control over their daily tasks. But there are also new features available for Papyrus Designer and DocEXEC. Here we go!

New Papyrus business user interfaces style

The new Papyrus Blue V2 style is available for all applications based on Papyrus EYE Widgets, providing the following user experience advantages for Papyrus users:

  • Clean and consistent design: unnecessary distracting elements (borders, separators, thick splitter, etc.) have been removed, to focus the user on important content.
  • Better usability and readability: User interface elements and font sizes have been slightly increased.

Here is Papyrus Business Designer for Correspondence using the new style:

Consolidated Application Domain

For a faster and optimally preconfigured installation of Papyrus Objects-based WebRepository installations, we offer the Papyrus Consolidated Application Domain (CAD) installation option, which contains all nodes and configurations to use instantly any of the standard Papyrus solution frameworks. Alternatively, installation of a Papyrus Objects domain from a Domain Controller’s Clean Object Space for fully customized installations is still available of course.

Papyrus Operations Designer for Automated Document Factory

With V7.7, the Papyrus Operations Designer covers the complete life cycle for ADF template management and empowers operations administrators to define ADF components like jobs and steps as reusable building blocks for easy reuse across different operations processes. Production processes are assembled from step templates, which are executed in sequence as defined in the job template. This way operation administrators can optimize their processes and production workflows and react to change requirements short term, with no dependencies from enterprise-wide IT resources and related release cycles.

Papyrus Business Correspondence news

The Business Correspondence Solution comes with great extensions helping business template administrators to achieve their tasks easier:

Import variables

Template administrators working with a variable group can now also import variables into the variable group from an external XML or CSV file, with or without full path name.

Single-source documents

The single-source document concept gives you now greater flexibility in creating output variants for print, web, and email. You can drag building blocks directly from the Library to the Output variant structure or to the Document structure. You can build output variants based on the blueprint from the print output variant in the Document structure, or you can build an HTML output variant even without creating a print output variant first.

Table of contents as bookmarks in the PDF document

Template administrators working with the Table of contents design building block can show the table of contents elements also as bookmarks in the PDF document output variant.

Papyrus Adaptive Case Management news

ACM tutorial

The ACM tutorial is available for self-education of all essential aspects of an ACM methodology and covers a full life cycle:

(a) Design of an end-to-end ACM application by the ACM template administrator using Papyrus Business Designer with case templates, goals, tasks, service tasks, etc.

(b) Execution of the designed case template by the ACM clerk and supervisor using Papyrus Client/Desktop as well as the Papyrus Mobile App.
Access to a cloud-based training environment can be provided on request. Contact for details.

Content workplace

The new Content workplace is centered around the search in case content like documents using the full text search engine of Papyrus.
(a) Search: The search field filters the content list.
(b) Content list: All content is listed on the left side of the screen. Selecting content will present the preview (c) on the right side.
(d) Cases: Cases related to the selected content will be presented in this area. Double-clicking a case will open the case’s dashboard.

Form field validation

The integrated forms designer allows to define field specific business validation rules which can be tested in the form simulation mode.

Papyrus DocEXEC news

Simplified reading of CSV input data

DocEXEC supports now reading CSV-files with the RECORD command where the application developer can easily configure the delimiters used between fields (red) and those used within the individual string fields (green).

FRAME command

The new FRAME command allows to easily draw a box around an arbitrary sequence of DOCDEF commands. Just state when the frame area shall start (1), where is shall end (2) and which properties like line thickness, color, margins it shall have (3). That is very simple and eliminates manual calculations using positional system variables!

We trust that you are inspired and ready to upgrade to Papyrus V7.7 soon. Check out the History of Changes in the Papyrus technical document Papyrus Software – Getting Started and News and in related Papyrus product documentation.
