Invest into the Future of Young IT-Professionals
Papyrus Software is cooperating with educational institutions, from local technical high schools to international universities of applied sciences. We love working with young people, helping them learning new concepts, solve real-world problems and develop practical skills for the future while still in education.
Recently we hosted 80 IT-students from TGM-Vienna at the Papyrus Headquarters who focus their education on systems engineering and media technology.

The lead professor discussed with us the goals for such an industry collaboration.
The cooperation with TGM has a long tradition, ever since our HR manager visited the first “Career Days” at TGM. We understand that the students gain early insights into various topics of digital transformation which is very important to find a job in the IT-domain. What is the TGM and what courses of study are offered?
The TGM or “Technologisches Gewerbemuseum” was founded in 1879 by Wilhelm Exner, at that time the president of the Lower Austrian Trade Association. His innovative idea was to combine in a technical education the theoretical and practical aspects within a single training program. This idea developed over the years into the system of Higher Technical Schools in Austria, which are unique in Europe.
Which educational branches are currently offered at TGM?
We offer a wide range covering Biomedicine and Health Technology, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Plastics and environmental technology, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering and Information technology which is the focus of the students here today.
Why does TGM cooperate with ISIS Papyrus and since when?
In general, partnerships with companies are very desirable in the context of a technical education. ISIS Papyrus is one of the very few Austrian IT-companies which are ranging under the top world market leaders in their field, which makes the cooperation very attractive for us, lasting already for nearly 10 years.
What added value does the cooperation bring to the curriculum?
The students acquire practically relevant tasks from “real life”, which are usually much more complex than the tasks in the apprenticeship. They can get access to the Papyrus Adaptive Case Management Training Cloud and experience a full application life cycle: Use the Papyrus Business Designer to define a new business application from scratch, execute that application as business user working in a back-office or on mobile devices using the Papyrus Mobile App. It’s very useful that the students can follow the fully prepared Papyrus educational program, share insights and ideas, and can consult with Papyrus experts as needed.

As software company, ISIS Papyrus needs engaged and innovative employees with very versatile skillsets. We are following the Business First principle and raise the awareness among the students that the technological perspective is only one side of the coin.
The closing of the seminar kick-off event included a lively discussion about how customer projects are managed. One of the ISIS Papyrus part-time students shared his experience with his “dual student” education which created much interest in the audience. We were rewarded with standing ovations which gives motivation to continue with this program and even further extend it.

The event was a great success: We were delighted to have so many student in our headquarters auditorium. Our young visitors were impressed by the architecture of the building and inspired by the good atmosphere of the welcome kick-off event. Many of the students will stay connected with Papyrus, especially young talents who want to seize the opportunity and start an internship or longer career in technology right here at Papyrus. But the next step is to complete the ACM-based training program and finish the technical education in May this year. We wish them much success!

Papyrus Academy Manager at Papyrus Software
Vienna, Austria