Let's Talk

Papyrus Type Manager

Papyrus Type Manager is an interface between Papyrus WebRepository and third-party database systems to submit SQL queries (select, insert, update, delete) from Papyrus applications. This bi-directional data integration between Papyrus and non-Papyrus databases can be done with connections to Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and DB/2 as well as any other databases that can be connected via ODBC.

Papyrus Type Manager eliminates the need to code database-specific interfaces as well as to install a database client on user workstations. This way it serves as a layer between the 3rd party databases and the Papyrus System which can access the DB systems from any Papyrus application using the Papyrus Query Language PQL or directly from the document applications Papyrus Designer and DocEXEC using the dedicated formatting engine interfaces PDB and PAS allowing to access databases right from the formatting process in order to fetch additional data into the document or update e.g. the document status information.