Let's Talk

"Our success is based on the work of our experienced, highly committed and dedicated specialists."

Papyrus Software Management
ISIS Papyrus Europe AG
Papyrus Platz 1
2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Vienna, Austria
GPS coordinates:
48.117836, 16.289884

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Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

IT Applikationsbetreuer (m/w/d) - Papyrus Applikationsbetreuung

Deine Aufgaben könnten unter anderem sein:

  • Administrierung von internen Anwendungsdomänen (basierend auf der ISIS Papyrus Plattform) auf einer Vielzahl von virtuellen und physischen Maschinen (Windows und Linux)
    • Support für die Kollegen
    • Update auf neue Versionen (binaries und frameworks)
    • User-Management
    • Performance-Analysen
    • Verbesserung Workflow
  • Durchführung und Monitoring Backups, Monitoring mittels einer intern entwickelten Skript-Lösung (Kontrolle, Update bei Verbesserungen)
  • Monitoring der Anwendungsdomänen
  • Automatisierung/Configuration Management (AWX/Ansible, Git, Docker)
  • Administrierung und Troubleshooting Services (Autorisierungs-Service, WebServer)
  • Koordination Freigabe von offiziellen Releases und hotfix Releases für Kunden

Dein Profil:

  • Gute Scripting-Kenntnisse
  • Präzise Arbeitsweise und gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit (unsere Kollegen sind unsere Kunden)
  • Erfahrung mit den gängigen Windows Betriebssystemen
  • Erfahrung mit objektorientierten Konzepten von Vorteil
  • Englisch-Kenntnisse erforderlich

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

Unser IT-Team betreut die Produktions- und Entwicklungsumgebung unserer weltweiten Lokationen und sucht vor allem für den Bereich Linux und Cloud Verstärkung. Fühlst du dich angesprochen?

Linux & Cloud Administrator - Linux System Engineer (m/w/d)


  • Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung der Linux Serverlandschaft in einem heterogenen Umfeld
    • On premises services (mail, web, ftp, ...)
    • Cloud AWS/AZURE
    • Container-Orchestrierung und Selfservice (Kubernetics, Openshift)
  • Ansprechpartner bei internen Projekten mit SW-Entwicklungsteams
  • Betreuung Monitoringtools
  • Automatisierung/Configuration Management (AWX/Ansible, Git, Docker)
Weitere Aufgaben werden je nach Stärken und Interessensgebieten im Team aufgeteilt.

Dein Profil:

  • Erfahrung als Linux & Cloud Administrator
  • Interesse an Unix und Datenbanken
  • Grundkenntnisse Scripting
  • Englisch-Kenntnisse erforderlich

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

We are looking for a Software Tester to support our R&D Teams by creating new test cases and/or develop existing cases to run automatic product tests.

Test Case Automation Engineer - Software Tester (m/f/x)

Your tasks and major interests:

  • Development, documentation and verification of test cases based on our Papyrus Objects Development and Test Center.
  • Carrying out semi-automatic test runs
  • Improved automatic evaluation of test results from mass tests running on multiple computers
  • Creation of cases in the Papyrus Ticketing System to track product defects and resolve them

Your profile:

  • IT education
  • Knowledge in object oriented programming
  • Keen eye for detail and precision-focused
  • Strong logical-analytical thinking
  • Interest in statistical processing and the comparison of measured values

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • State-of-the-art headquarters
  • Free underground parking for all employees
  • Large green area with terraces and relaxation areas
  • High-tech infrastructure with the latest video conference technology
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Further development in the team through experienced colleagues
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events
  • Free shuttle bus from U6 Siebenhirten to ISIS Papyrus and back
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With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

C++ Legacy Developer (m/w/d)

We are looking for an experienced C++ Developer to join our team. As a legacy developer you are maintaining, updating, and troubleshooting some of our existing products, but also designing and creating new modules.

Your tasks and major interests:

  • C++ Development
  • Analyzing complex situations
  • Software forensics
  • Debugging

Your profile:

  • C/C++ expertise
  • Legacy code handling experience
  • Unix knowledge

Nice to have:

  • Experience on z/OS Native or USS
  • Specific document format such like AFP, PDF,…

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • State-of-the-art headquarters
  • Free underground parking for all employees
  • Large green area with terraces and relaxation areas
  • High-tech infrastructure with the latest video conference technology
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Further development in the team through experienced colleagues
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events
  • Free shuttle bus from U6 Siebenhirten to ISIS Papyrus and back
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Für unser österreichisches Sales und Marketing Team suchen wir Verstärkung!

Allrounder mit Schwerpunkt Sales Administration (m/f/d)

Je nach Ihren Stärken und Fähigkeiten werden Ihre Schwerpunkte gemeinsam mit Ihrem Manager festgelegt. Wir suchen KollegInnen, die eine langfristige Anstellung anstreben und in Zukunft auch Verantwortung übernehmen wollen.

Ihre Aufgaben können unter anderem die folgenden sein:

  • Unterstützung der Organisation von Consultancy-Einsätzen und Schulungen
  • Fakturierung von „Software Dienstleistungen“
  • Fakturierung der jährlichen Wartungsgebühren
  • Einholung von POs
  • Anlaufstelle der Kunden um Informationen wie Preise und Produktinformationen zu vermitteln
  • Business Partner Betreuung international
  • Leadgenerierung / Datenbankpflege
  • Mahnwesen
  • Reisebuchungen
  • Mitarbeit bei Events

Ihr Profil:

  • Kontakt- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie
  • Freude am Umgang mit Kunden am Telefon bzw. per E-Mail
  • Genauer und zuverlässiger Arbeitsstil
  • Selbstständige Arbeitsweise und Teamfähigkeit
  • Englisch und Deutsch in Wort und Schrift

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Spezielle Mitarbeiterangebote
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

Ein wichtiger Teil dabei sind unsere Papyrus Capture Solutions.

Mathematiker/Physiker als C++ Entwickler (m/w/d)

Ihre Aufgaben:

Als Teil des Papyrus Capture Teams beschäftigen Sie sich mit der Neu- bzw Weiterentwicklung von Algorithmen und Produkten unserer „Inbound Technologie“. Kernbereiche sind Bildverarbeitung, Dokument-Klassifikation und Datenextraktion.

Lesen Sie mehr dazu auf unserer Website zum Thema „Inbound Products“. Im Detail beschäftigen Sie sich unter anderem mit:

  • Analyse, Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Testen von Algorithmen in C++
  • Arbeit innerhalb der Papyrus Plattform
  • Neuronale Netze und Maschine Learning
  • Dokument-Klassifikation
  • Datenextraktion
  • Bildbearbeitung

Sie verfügen über Erfahrung in:

  • Mathematik und C++
  • Softwareentwicklungsprozessen
  • Englisch in Wort und Schrift
  • Kreatives Denken

und haben vorzugsweise Spezial-Know How in einem der folgenden Bereiche:

  • Statistik
  • Information retrieval
  • Bildverarbeitung
  • OCR, ICR, Barcode

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Spezielle Mitarbeiterangebote
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

Technische Dokumentation von Software und Workshops (m/w/d)

In der Papyrus Academy erstellen Sie Softwaredokumentation und Kursunterlagen und beschreiben Anwendungsfälle für unterschiedliche Benutzergruppen. Unter anderem übernehmen Sie Verantwortung für folgende Aufgaben:

  • Verfassen technischer Software-Dokumentation und Online-Hilfe auf Englisch und Deutsch
  • Selbständige Verwendung der Software zur Analyse der Anwendungsfälle
  • Erstellen von Kursunterlagen und Tutorials
  • Konzeptionierung von Training-Videos
  • Konfiguration der Papyrus Software für didaktische Kursinhalte (Applikationsentwicklung, Test, Freigabe)
  • Abteilungsübergreifende Kommunikation und Koordination mit der Software-Solutionsabteilung über Fragen der Konfiguration und Applikationsentwicklung

Ihr Profil:

Sie haben eine hohe Affinität zur didaktischen Darstellung komplexer Zusammenhänge in Software-Systemen. Sie haben Freude, mittels eigener Tests Software-Lösungen von innen zu verstehen und erarbeiten sich neue Sachverhalte selbstständig.

Ihre hohe Sprachkompetenz auf C1-Niveau in Englisch und Deutsch ermöglicht Ihnen, die daraus gewonnene Erfahrung gut verständlich und strukturiert in Form von Texten, Grafiken und Videoclips zu vermitteln.

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Spezielle Mitarbeiterangebote
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

C++ Entwickler (m/w/d)

Werde Teil eines unserer C++ Entwickler-Teams!

Nahezu alle unsere Entwicklungs-Teams verwenden C++ als Programmiersprache. Es ist uns daher möglich auf Interessen, Stärken und Erfahrung jedes Bewerbers einzugehen. Wir versuchen immer das für dich optimal passende Team zu finden.

Deine Aufgaben:

  • Analyse, Design und Neuentwicklung von High-Performance Lösungen auf Multicore-Maschinen
  • Testen und Dokumentation
  • Verbesserung von bestehenden Modulen

Neben einem breiten Angebot an Softwareprodukten unterstützen wir alle gängigen Back-End- und Front-End-Zielplattformen.

Dein Profil:

  • C++
  • Englisch in Wort und Schrift
  • Erfahrungen mit multi-platform GUI Toolkits (ideal Qt) wünschenswert
  • Praxis mit einer objektorientierten Programmiersprache und Scriptsprache

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Spezielle Mitarbeiterangebote
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

IT Consultant für internationale Projekte (m/w/d)

Werde ein Teil unseres internationalen Consultant-Teams!

Haben Sie Spaß daran, an internationalen Projekten mitzuarbeiten und sind Sie neugierig darauf, wie Papyrus Solutions umgesetzt werden, dann sind Sie bei uns richtig. Nach einer Einschulungs- und Trainingsphase in unserem Headquarter südlich von Wien werden Sie in Ihrer Position als IT Consultant internationale Softwareprojekte gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden realisieren.

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Präsentation der Papyrus Plattform und unserer Software Solutions
  • Analyse der Kundensituation
  • Design von "end-to-end" Lösungen mit der Papyrus Software
  • Konfiguration und Softwareinstallation
  • Schulung und Beratung der Kunden

Je nach Ihrer persönlichen Stärke ist in weiterer Folge eine Spezialisierung Ihrer Consultant-Tätigkeit auf Presales oder Postsales (Projektdurchführung) möglich.

Ihr Profil:

  • Höhere Informatik-Ausbildung
  • Kenntnisse in objektorientierter Programmierung und Scripting
  • Ausgezeichnetes Englisch in Wort und Schrift
  • Gute Rhetorik und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Reisebereitschaft (ca. 25-50% Mo-Fr)

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Hochmodernes neues Headquarter
  • Kostenlose Tiefgarage für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe
  • Regelmäßige Firmenevents
  • Spezielle Mitarbeiterangebote
  • Kostenloser Shuttlebus von U6 Siebenhirten zu ISIS Papyrus und retour
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With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

IT Security Engineer (m/f/x)

As IT Security Engineer you will be an important team member in our HQ in Brunn am Gebirge.

Your duties & responsibilities will be:

  • Develop, implement, and maintain information security policies, procedures, and controls aligned with ISO27001 standards
  • Conduct risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities
  • Develop and oversee implementation of security plans and solutions to mitigate risks
  • Monitor compliance with security policies and procedures
  • Investigate incidents of data breaches and unauthorized access
  • Coordinate with IT staff to ensure that security measures are properly implemented
  • Keep abreast of latest security trends and technologies.
  • Train and educate employees on information security best practices
  • Prepare reports for upper management on the state of information security
  • Respond to inquiries from various stakeholders on information security matters.
  • Serve as a point of contact for all information security issues across our departments and teams
  • Perform regular audits of systems and networks

Your skills an qualifications:

  • Higher education in computer science, information technology, or related field.
  • 3+ years experience in information security or related field.
  • Strong understanding of security priciples (e.g. risk management, incident response, access control an cryptography).
  • In-depth knowledge of security technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems and encryption.
  • Experience developing and implementing security policies and procedures.

Nice to have:

  • CISM, ISO 27001, CISSP or similar certification
  • GIAC, SANS or other advanced security certification
  • Experience with SIEM (Security information and event management) tools
  • Knowledge in vulnerability assessment tools (e.g. Qualys, Nessus, Nexpose)
  • Experience with penetration testing tools (e.g. Metasploit, Burp Suite or Nmap)

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:


ISIS Papyrus France SARL
23-25, Rue de Berri | Bâtiment B - 5ème étage
Paris, France
+33-1-47 20 08 99
+33-1-47 20 15 43
GPS coordinates:
48.871919, 2.298135

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Then please send your detailed application with photo by email to:

With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide variety of industries.

IT Consultant for international projects (m/f/x)

Become part of our international consultant team!

If you enjoy working on international projects and are curious about how Papyrus solutions are implemented, then you have come to the right place. After an induction and training phase at our headquarters south of Vienna, you will implement international software projects together with our customers in your position as an IT consultant.

Your tasks:

  • Presentation of the Papyrus platform and our software solutions
  • Analysis of the customer situation Design of "end-to-end" solutions with the Papyrus software
  • Configuration and software installation
  • Training and advising customers

Depending on your personal strengths, you can subsequently specialize in your consultant work in presales or postsales (project implementation).

Your profile:

  • Higher education in computer science
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming and scripting
  • Excellent written and spoken English
  • Good rhetoric and communication skills
  • Willingness to travel (approx. 25-50% Mon-Fri)

We offer:

  • Extensive training and career progression within the company.
  • Dynamic, open, multinational work environment.
  • Responsibilities matching your individual strengths and interests.
  • Long-term employment plan in a profitable company.


  • Bachelor's (Preferred). IT software experience requisite.
  • Work authorization (Required).

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Dynamic, open-minded and international working environment
  • Innovative, leading software solution
  • Personal development within the company
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Further development in the team through experienced colleagues
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:


With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide variety of industries.

Sales/Business Development Engineer (m/f/x)

This is an exciting sales role with a company that is leading the way with its innovative technology within the Enterprise Content Management and Adaptive Case Management.

Become part of our international Sales Team!

Your tasks:

  • Identify, win and retain clients in France and Belgium
  • Managing the full corporate sales cycle from initial enquiry to closure
  • New customer acquisition
  • Selling our Software products and services
  • Customer care for existing customers

Your profile:

  • Experience in selling software and consulting services
  • Experience in software solution sales and/or business development
  • Business expertise in Document Management, Information Technologies and Banking or Insurance
  • Highly self-motivated personality with a hunting attitude
  • Excellent communicator, presenter and negotiator duties and responsibilities
  • Responsible for driving sales growth
  • Assigned strategic Business Unit targets through software sales and consulting revenues
  • Locate potential business deals by contacting new customers
  • Work closely with the Head of Sales and the Business Development Manager

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Dynamic, open-minded and international working environment
  • Innovative, leading software solution
  • Personal development within the company
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Further development in the team through experienced colleagues
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:


ISIS Papyrus Deutschland GmbH
Schiessstraße 68
Düsseldorf, Germany
GPS coordinates:
51.240567, 6.723052

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Dann sende bitte deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit Foto per E-Mail an:

Mit der innovativen Papyrus Technologieplattform ist es uns gelungen Weltkonzerne als langfristige Kunden zu gewinnen. Beliebige, kundenspezifische Prozesse werden mit low-code Techniken entworfen und strukturiert und stehen als sofort ausführbare Geschäftsanwendungen zur Verfügung. Damit tragen wir zur digitalen Transformation verschiedenster Branchen wesentlich bei.

Werde ein Teil unseres deutschen Consultant-Teams und arbeite in unserem Büro in Düsseldorf!

Nach einer intensiven Einschulungs- und Trainingsphase in unserem Headquarter in Österreich südlich von Wien werden Sie folgende Aufgaben entweder vorort bei unseren Kunden oder auch „remote“ durchführen:

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Präsentation des Papyrus Systems
  • Analyse der Kundensituation sowie Lösungskonzeption
  • Design von "end-to-end" Lösungen mit Papyrus
  • Konfiguration und Softwareinstallation
  • Schulung und Beratung der Kunden

Je nach Ihrer persönlichen Stärke in weiterer Folge Spezialisierung möglich auf Presales oder Postsales (Projektdurchführung)

Ihr Profil:

Haben Sie Spaß daran, an internationalen Projekten mitzuarbeiten? Sind Sie neugierig darauf, wie Papyrus Solutions umgesetzt werden und bringen Sie folgende Skills mit:

  • Informatik-Ausbildung
  • Kenntnisse in objektorientierter Programmierung und Scripting
  • Englisch in Wort und Schrift
  • Gute Rhetorik und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Hohe Reisebereitschaft (ca. 25-50% Mo-Fr)
  • Aktuell werden viele Projekte remote durchgeführt
  • Wohnsitz in der Nähe des Büros

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Interessante und internationale Projekte
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe

Warum ISIS Papyrus?

  • Kostenlose Parkplätze für alle Mitarbeiter
  • Internationale und offene Unternehmenskultur
  • Wertschätzung und respektvoller Umgang
  • Weiterentwicklung im Team durch erfahrene Kollegen
  • Langfristige Beschäftigung in einer profitablen Unternehmensgruppe
  • Ruhiges, modernes Büro
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ISIS Papyrus Italy SRL
Via Monte Navale, 11
I-10015 Ivrea (TO)
+39 0125 6455 00
+39 0125 6455 150
GPS coordinates:
45.455272, 7.872863

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Then please send your detailed application with photo by email to:

With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide variety of industries.

IT Consultant for international projects (m/f/x)

Become part of our international consultant team!

If you enjoy working on international projects and are curious about how Papyrus solutions are implemented, then you have come to the right place. After an induction and training phase at our headquarters south of Vienna, you will implement international software projects together with our customers in your position as an IT consultant.

Your tasks:

  • Presentation of the Papyrus platform and our software solutions
  • Analysis of the customer situation Design of "end-to-end" solutions with the Papyrus software
  • Configuration and software installation
  • Training and advising customers

Depending on your personal strengths, you can subsequently specialize in your consultant work in presales or postsales (project implementation).

Your profile:

  • Higher education in computer science
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming and scripting
  • Excellent written and spoken English
  • Good rhetoric and communication skills
  • Willingness to travel (approx. 25-50% Mon-Fri)

We offer:

  • Extensive training and career progression within the company.
  • Dynamic, open, multinational work environment.
  • Responsibilities matching your individual strengths and interests.
  • Long-term employment plan in a profitable company.


  • Bachelor's (Preferred). IT software experience requisite.
  • Work authorization (Required).

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Dynamic, open-minded and international working environment
  • Innovative, leading software solution
  • Beautiful office with a huge garden to relax
  • Personal development within the company
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Private parking

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:


With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

C++ Legacy Developer (m/f/x)

We are looking for an experienced C++ Developer to join our team. As a legacy developer you are maintaining, updating, and troubleshooting some of our existing products, but also designing and creating new modules.

Your tasks and major interests:

  • C++ Development
  • Analyzing complex situations
  • Software forensics
  • Debugging

Your profile:

  • C/C++ expertise
  • Legacy code handling experience
  • Unix knowledge

Nice to have:

  • Experience on z/OS Native or USS
  • Specific document format such like AFP, PDF,…

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Beautiful, high quality office
  • Free parking for all employees
  • Private garden and courtyard area for breaks
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events
Are you interested in this position?

Then please send your application with photo by e-mail to


With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

Become part of one of our application developer teams!

Business Application Developer - (m/f/x)

Application development is a central component in many of our departments. We always try to find the best team for you in order to do justice to your interests, strengths and experience.

Your tasks include:

  • Responsibility and conception of the development of individual Papyrus applications
  • Analysis and improvement of existing Papyrus applications
  • Quality control and responsibility

Your profile:

  • Experience with an object-oriented programming language and/or object-oriented scripting language
  • Strong analytical and process-oriented thinking
  • Independent and flexible working style
  • Written and spoken English

Ideally, your profile is rounded off with the following skills:

  • Knowledge of databases/database systems
  • UML knowledge is an advantage

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Beautiful, high quality office
  • Free parking for all employees
  • Private garden and courtyard area for breaks
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events
Are you interested in this position?

Then please send your application with photo by e-mail to


With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

C++ Developer (m/f/x)

Become part of one of our C++ development teams!

Almost all of our development teams use C++ as a programming language. This enables us to respond to the interests, strengths and experience of each applicant. We always try to find the team that is the best fit for you.

The tasks include analysis, design, programming as well as testing and documentation. Due to our wide range of products and the support of all common target platforms from Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix to IBM mainframes, but also the most modern mobile devices, work on predominantly back-end, but possibly also front-end products with special areas, results (depending on your strengths) like network, database, GUI (Qt based), maths/statistics. For high-performance solutions on multi-core machines, improve or develop modules with effective inter-thread / process communication and create diagnostic systems.

Your tasks:

  • Analysis, design and new development of high-performance solutions on multi-core machines
  • Testing and documentation
  • Improvement of existing modules

In addition to a wide range of software products, we support all common back-end and front-end target platforms.

Required skills:

  • C++ expertise
  • Practice with an object-oriented programming language and scripting language
  • Experience with multi-platform GUI toolkits desirable
  • Qt knowledge is an advantage
  • Good English is required

We offer you:

  • Dynamic, open-minded and international working environment
  • Innovative, leading software solution
  • Beautiful office with a huge garden to relax
  • Personal development within the company
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Private parking
Are you interested in this position?

Then please send your application with photo by e-mail to


ISIS Papyrus Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
9 Temasek Blvd.
#29-01 Suntec City Tower 2
Singapore 038989 , Singapore
GPS coordinates:
1.295835, 103.859052

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Then please send your detailed application with photo by email to:

New job offers comming soon. Please come back later

ISIS Papyrus Software SL
Av. de Madrid, 95-97 - 6º-3
Barcelona, Spain
+34 913 077 841
+34 913 077 508
GPS coordinates:
41.3786741, 2.1252688

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Then please send your detailed application with photo by email to:

With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

C++ Legacy Developer (m/f/x)

We are looking for an experienced C++ Developer to join our team. As a legacy developer you are maintaining, updating, and troubleshooting some of our existing products, but also designing and creating new modules.

Your tasks and major interests:

  • C++ Development
  • Analyzing complex situations
  • Software forensics
  • Debugging

Your profile:

  • C/C++ expertise
  • Legacy code handling experience
  • Unix knowledge

Nice to have:

  • Experience on z/OS Native or USS
  • Specific document format such like AFP, PDF,…

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Beautiful, high quality office
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events
Are you interested in this position?

Then please send your application with photo by e-mail to


ISIS Papyrus America, Inc.
301 Bank St.
TX 76092
Southlake, U.S.A.
GPS coordinates:
32.936997, -97.101636

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Then please send your detailed application with photo by email to:

With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

Business Development & Inside Sales (Enterprise Software)

Are you looking to work for a reputable and established international organization, in a new and exciting business development role, offering excellent commission opportunities, whilst being able to work in our offices in Southlake/TX. This is the job for you. We are a global Enterprise Software provider with a passion for sustainability, we pride ourselves in providing to our large corporate customers the Papyrus Platform for their most important business engagement and Omni-Channel communication projects in North America and internationally.

As part of our continued growth, we are seeking an experienced Business Development & Inside Sales expert to join a high performing local and international team to help build and drive our business forward by identifying opportunities and developing warm leads into projects. Integrity, stability, vision and passion are essential for this role.

This is a unique opportunity working in an entrepreneurial culture in a sophisticated consultative role with excellent career progression and a structured route to management, should you wish.


  • Working closely with Directors identify new business opportunities for the Papyrus Software platform.
  • Identify and engage with prospects over the phone, social and email, understanding their needs, and positioning Papyrus Software as the appropriate solution.
  • Conduct research on prospects in order to provide relevant information to analyze the opportunities available, chase active projects and speak to key decision makers to introduce Papyrus Software.
  • Reach out to prospects to introduce Papyrus and convert leads into possible Papyrus platform sales opportunities.
  • Successfully generate qualified opportunities continuously building and sustaining a healthy pipeline of new market and client opportunities for Papyrus Software. li These leads will be a mixture of campaign specific leads and self-generated leads.
  • Maintain all client and candidate records in the companies CRM database.
  • Liaise with consultancy teams and Directors to ensure all projects are carried out in a timely and efficient manner.

Preferred Background:

  • BA Level with IT Software background is a requisite.
  • Consultative software sales experience, Outstanding listening, verbal and written communication skills.
  • Confident telephone manner, ability to build rapport with multiple stakeholders at all levels.
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of customer personality types in a consultative manner.
  • Efficient time management skills with the ability to stay focused on primary business objectives in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.
  • Research and problem solving skills.
  • Sense of urgency and a can-do attitude.
  • Collaborative.
  • Organized and ability to work on multiple projects at one time.


  • Bachelor's (Preferred). IT software sales experience is a requisite.
  • US work authorization (Required).

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Beautiful, high quality office
  • Free parking for all employees
  • Private garden and courtyard area for breaks
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:


With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide range of industries.

International IT Consultant (m/f/x)

About the Job

Papyrus Software Group is looking for experienced, ambitious International IT Consultants to join their team. Working with blue-chip companies worldwide, this position is suited to an already successful consultant who wants to be part of a company that is leading the way with its innovative technology within the Enterprise Content Management, AI and Adaptive Case Management collaborative arena.

As an International IT Consultant within our professional services team based in Southlake/TX, your main focus will be to demonstrate, configure, implement, and support an industry-leading software solution. With a proven ability to excel in a customer-facing role, you’ll have a natural ability to pick up new and innovative technologies and be able to liaise with clients through all phases of a project from proof of concept to go live. Full training in international location on the company’s product range will be provided to the successful candidates.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of our software and solutions in our training centers and on the job.
  • Configuration, installation, and training at customer sites and virtually.
  • Analysis of customer requirements and environment.
  • Design end-to-end solutions to meet the customer needs using the Papyrus platform products.
  • Presentation of the Papyrus system to technical and managerial audiences.
  • Perform project management duties

Your profile:

  • Experience in IT software projects
  • Good knowledge of an object-orientated programming language.
  • Proven report writing, verbal and written communication, and presentation skills.
  • Self-starter with a passion to learn and is capable of working independently.
  • Must be willing to travel up to 25-50% of working time. International travel required.

We offer:

  • Extensive training and career progression within the company.
  • Dynamic, open, multinational work environment.
  • Responsibilities matching your individual strengths and interests.
  • Long-term employment plan in a profitable company.


  • Bachelor's (Preferred). IT software experience requisite.
  • Work authorization (Required).

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • Beautiful, high quality office
  • Free parking for all employees
  • Private garden and courtyard area for breaks
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:


ISIS Papyrus UK, Ltd.
Watership Barn Kingsclere Business Park
RG20 4SW
Kingsclere, UK
+44 (0) 1635 299 849
+44 (0) 1635 297 594
GPS coordinates:
51.331009, -1.251677

Are you interested in one of these positions?
Then please send your detailed application with photo by email to:

With the innovative Papyrus technology platform, we have succeeded in winning global corporations as long-term customers. Any customer-specific processes are designed and structured using low-code techniques and are available as immediately executable business applications. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the digital transformation of a wide variety of industries.

IT Consultant for international projects (m/f/x)

Become part of our international consultant team!

If you enjoy working on international projects and are curious about how Papyrus solutions are implemented, then you have come to the right place. After an induction and training phase at our headquarters south of Vienna, you will implement international software projects together with our customers in your position as an IT consultant.

Your tasks:

  • Presentation of the Papyrus platform and our software solutions
  • Analysis of the customer situation Design of "end-to-end" solutions with the Papyrus software
  • Configuration and software installation
  • Training and advising customers

Depending on your personal strengths, you can subsequently specialize in your consultant work in presales or postsales (project implementation).

Your profile:

  • Higher education in computer science
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming and scripting
  • Excellent written and spoken English
  • Good rhetoric and communication skills
  • Willingness to travel (approx. 25-50% Mon-Fri)

We offer:

  • Extensive training and career progression within the company.
  • Dynamic, open, multinational work environment.
  • Responsibilities matching your individual strengths and interests.
  • Long-term employment plan in a profitable company.


  • Bachelor's (Preferred). IT software experience requisite.
  • Work authorization (Required).

Why ISIS Papyrus?

  • High quality office in a tastefully converted barn
  • Free parking for all employees
  • Private garden and courtyard area for breaks
  • Easy access to local village amenities
  • International and open corporate culture
  • Appreciation and respectful interaction
  • Further development in the team through experienced colleagues
  • Long-term employment in a profitable group of companies
  • Regular company events

Be a part of our team &
apply with your CV and picture at:
