Let's Talk

Enterprise Mobility, the new way of working

Client Challenge

Today's workforce uses mobile devices and expects to be connected to their critical business processes while on the go. Fast provisioning of Enterprise Mobility Solutions will soon be the most important factor for any business that wants to expand its horizons and enable new efficiencies through innovative mobile business services.

Advanced Mobile Solutions for Modern Enterprises

Enterprise mobility is extending the reach of mobile to internal and external stakeholders like employees, partners and suppliers. The opportunities to provide the value to the Business are endless. From mainframe to mobile cloud computing, the seamless integration of technology drives increased employee engagement and improves efficiency in all walks of business life.

How is the Papyrus Enterprise Mobile Platform different?

  • Both for customer engagement & corporate collaboration
  • No mobile development skills needed
  • Fast Time-to-Market – deploy mobile apps within days
  • Same application runs on desktop, browser and mobile
  • Integration with any existing system – from Mainframe to PC
  • Standard software platform with large corporate user base
  • Centralized definition, delivery and complete control
  • Freely-definable data, content and processing
  • Customizable UIs
  • Absolute Stability, Security and Scalability

Mobile Business Applications

Remote Work Management

Expense & Travel Management

Activity Reporting

Absence Request


Change Requests

Time Management

Defect Management

Skills and Training

Recruitment, Interview and Onboarding

Registration and Events

Create and Sign Contracts

Enabling Enterprise Mobility

The Papyrus Enterprise Mobile Platform future-proofs your application investments with a complete Enterprise Mobility solution for businesses operating on mobile platforms like Google Android and Apple iOS for iPhone, and iPad.

The solution builds on standard software and provides an easy way to mobilize business processes and build robust platform- and device-independent mobile apps with little effort and no need for device-specific programming. Employees are connected to their critical business processes while on the go and can work from anywhere using a variety of devices and applications for increased flexibility, accessibility and reliability. They have the capability to do the following:

  • Create business documents interactively by:
    - fill-out forms
    - add clauses and update paragraphs
    - add images
    - insert e-signatures
  • Access and perform tasks while on the go
  • Record sound and video, take pictures or upload images
  • Access and manage content such as documents, emails, videos
  • Collaborate and chat with others users
  • Send and receive notifications

Mobilize your Business with Your Own In-house App Store

The Papyrus Enterprise Mobile Platform uses the Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) architecture to deliver mobile application definitions directly to business user's mobile devices. Deploying your Papyrus application on the mobile device is simple:

  • Define WHAT you want to show – which data/content should be exposed to the Mobile
  • WHICH processes you want to interact with from the mobile device
  • HOW this information should be shown (forms, tables, charts, graphics, etc.)

'What' and 'How' are defined on the back-end side, and not hard-coded in the app, which makes any change easy.

Business applications are defined on your server, then distributed to the appropriate users via their mobile devices, taking into account their job profiles and access rights.
An organization can define a range of business applications and provide them to employees to fill and access data, handle work tasks, use dynamic Wizards to create documents, receive notifications and flexibly handle work on both mobile devices and PC in a location-independent modern working environment.

Organizations are free to do the following:

  • Define and release applications at any time
  • Grant or revoke access to applications and content
  • Maintain and deploy changes centrally

Mobile Business Apps can be defined as general purpose, widely applicable apps for daily use or specialized apps provided in the specific context of your business.

The business application communicates with your business systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), User Authorization (LDAP) and databases to retrieve the required business data and send it 'on-the-fly' to the mobile so you can connect to your data and processes directly from the mobile device.

The Papyrus Platform is suited for most complex application landscapes with multiple back-ends running on different operating systems and in the Cloud.

Execute your Enterprise Mobile Strategy With Confidence

Security is ensured through HTTPS connections to the Papyrus Portal as well as by user authentication and a role-based system-level access control system.

No confidential business data is stored on the mobile device, unless there is specific content that you want to access when working at remote places without mobile network services. Offline capabilities can be defined to control which data can be created, accessed and edited until device goes online again. The decision what should be stored on the device is made by the Business and defined by the Security Administrator centrally.

There is an ongoing auditing on who did what action, who accessed which data and from which device. The integrated role-based authorization ensures that a user can’t do anything on Mobile that he/she is not allowed to do with user rights defined centrally and not on the mobile device.

Advantages of Papyrus Enterprise Mobility

  • Easy access to data, processes and business applications – anywhere at any point in time
  • Improved communication, sharing and real-time collaboration across divisions and departments
  • Employee empowerment and increased employee experience (EX)
  • Productivity and efficiency
  • Enhanced customer experience (CX)
  • Reduced cost of doing business
  • Business agility and increased competitiveness
  • Security and scalability

Capabilities of Papyrus Enterprise Mobility

  • Full integration with back-end systems (data and content)
  • Application defined and maintained on the server side
  • Single User Interface (UI) definition
    • Mobile interface (iPhone and Android)
    • Desktop application interface (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    • Web-based interface (browser plug-in as well as HTML5)
    • Tablet interface (iPad and Android)
    • Microsoft SharePoint interface (WebParts)
  • Secure access via HTTPs with Papyrus Portal
  • User roles define access capabilities and authorizations
  • Corporate data not stored on mobile device, avoiding loss of data
  • Offline working supported
  • Quick and easy extension of business application

Mobile Passport Capture

Mobile ID Card Capture

Mobile Receipt Capture