Let's Talk

Customer Communications Solutions for the Digital Age

Mobile is growing fast, and converting business documents to PDF is not enough to meet your customers' expectations. The Digital Age demands a seamless, cross-channel communication experience integrating legacy systems and silos and enabling relevant, timely interaction with customers:

  • Business-enabled smart document design and administration for omni channel communication
  • Business users create content, manage and change rules in a controlled manner
  • Legacy system integration and digital communication that avoids another siloed delivery channel
  • Digital business e-contracts, workflows and collaborative case work supporting a two-way communication (chat, social, messaging)
  • Device-responsive documents, achieving a multichannel experience across print/e-mail/Web/mobile

The unique capabilities of the Papyrus Platform ensure your business applications are empowering business teams and seamlessly integrating content with processes and customer communication for a 'One Company-One Voice' approach. Our software and solution frameworks are geared for knowledge work and designed to enable rapid development of new document applications to accommodate change.

Papyrus Omni Channel Platform

The solution for today's communication environment must be seamless across digital and traditional channels. Papyrus Software enables an omni channel solution via a single platform to improve business effectiveness, increase interactions with customers, streamline processes and optimize operating costs, integrating traditional channels with Web and mobile channels to support digital and traditional customer engagement.

The Papyrus Platform integrates all inbound and outbound communication to provide a single, 360-degree view of the customer journey - extending and leveraging investments in traditional CCM to provide consistent and compelling interactions with your customers at every touchpoint. Customers can research online and purchase offline. Interactions can begin in one department and be completed in another. Monitoring and reporting on all activity across all channels, including workload, quality and goal achievement, gives management the insight for innovation and improvement.

With a single view of all customer activity, contact centers and back office knowledge workers can leverage consolidated case information in customer responses and build lasting, profitable relationships.

Papyrus Online Channel Applications

Doing business online connects you more quickly and conveniently to customers, prospects and partners. Digital business transformation now requires real-time operational support for these interactions, increasing emphasis on how we deliver on the promise of digital business via the online channel.

Papyrus Software bridges the gap between "front-office" and "back-office" capabilities to ensure seamless customer engagement. You can effectively win, serve and retain customers by dynamically and consistently engaging across Web, mobile and traditional channels.

Papyrus Online Channel applications offer unique capabilities for making your business responsive everywhere in real time - PC, tablet and mobile - controlled by the business and supported by full integration with traditional channel, back office users and data:

  • Interactive questionnaires with verification rules
  • 'Chat' for increased customer interaction
  • Online tailor-made proposals
  • Notifications to CRM/lead management
  • Online purchase with digital signature
  • Uploading claims request and related evidence
  • Integrated Adaptive Case Management
  • Self-service portal

Empower Knowledge Workers - Papyrus Adaptive Case Management

Knowledge workers are found at the heart of every service- and customer-driven operation in a business, performing mission-critical and complex activities from customer claims management and contract management to account management and fraud investigations.

Because knowledge work is mostly unstructured and unpredictable, decision-making is sometimes the only common element between activities, but shared goals keep everything moving in the same direction - toward a successful result and a satisfied customer. Businesses benefit from empowering knowledge workers to make timely, relevant and effective decisions that satisfy both the customer and the business - which requires transparency and real-time access to content and data in the context of the business process.

Papyrus Adaptive Case Management (ACM) is a strategic but flexible framework that allows the business to selectively and securely empower Design-by-Doing - combining communication and process as ONE. Providing the Papyrus Platform for high-value, unique and skill- or knowledge-intensive customer service processes, ACM works where customer loyalty is created and maintained while it interconnects all the players needed to support a successful outcome.

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